Friday, January 4, 2008

Family Reunion 2

Here is another photo of a family reunion. Please click on the photo to see a larger version of it.

Virgil Haugh is in the back row third from the right. In front of him in black is, I think, Myrtle Haugh, his wife. Of the group of children in front of her on the ground, the girl in the sleeveless top is their daughter, Jeanette. The boy next to her looks like her brother, Thomas, and the girl next to him their sister, Alice. The baby is likely my mother, Nova. I'll put in a photo in which my mother identified them all and which helped me identify them here in a future posting. It's likely, then, that this photo is from around 1924.

Ray Haugh is in the back row second from the left and his dad, Thomas, is third from the left next to him.

The boy in the first row fourth from the left is John Haugh and the boy to the right is Paul Haugh. The boy to the left could be Jim Haugh, but it's hard to see his face. In the group of children to the left of Alice, the boy on the far right could be Dick Haugh. I'm guessing at this information based on a photo of five boys, which my mother identified. I'll post that photo next. I don't recall whose sons they are at this point.

Please let me know if you can identify anyone else by clicking on the comments link.

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